April 24, 2008

Universe of Kapampangan Witches

To make Kalam -- that TV series we are planning to pitch to local TV executives (see previous entry for video samples) -- more culturally rooted, we researched on the different classifications of witches, classified them according to function, and added our own creative touch to make them more interesting and nuanced. Here's a list we made:

The Healers

Magkukulam (+) - can spiritually cure people in his immediate surroundings within his radius of sight; Mágbantala - has the ability to create prayers which people can use to protect or cure themselves even without the presence of the magbantala; Magkukusim (-) - Has the ability to send his spirit out of his body in order to heal people regardless of geographic distance

The Sorcerers

Magkukulam (-) - Can spiritually damage people in his immediate surroundings within his radius of sight; Mambabarang - has the ability to command insects to bring harm to his target; Magkukusim (-) - Has the ability to send his spirit out of his body in order to harm people regardless of geographic distance

The Spirit Channels

Lágáyan - can sense the presence of supernatural entities; Mámalian - has the ability to embody supernatural entities and their powers; Katulunan -can directly interact with spirits

The Deceivers

Mánuple - can create tagibulag or illusions of objects and individuals; Manlilingu - can create false realities in the minds of the people they bewitch

The Prophets

Mánula - has the ability to see multiple probabilities of the future but cannot detect which is most likely to happen; Siak - mind has direct access to the future

The Herbologists

Manggagawe - uses plants to cast spells; Mangguguna - has skill in using and mixing plants and extracts in order to make potions, teas, charms, and artifacts, each with specific functions


Mánawas - psychic detectives and investigators; mixture of healing/sorcery abilities and spirit channeling; Tawak - antidote makers, snake bite healers, and serpent charmers; mixture of healing abilities and herbology; Manlalasun - stealthy venom makers; mixture of skills in sorcery and herbology; Mambabanis - uses body fluids like saliva and sweat to improve health or cure any form of ailments, especially those who were meyasug; a tawak with exposure to basic sorcery, or a manlalasun with exposure to basic healing

The Masters

Ukluban - a witch that has mastered all disciplines; he can either be on the good, bad, or neutral side; Ustuang - a highly spiritual and skillful witch who has the ability to sacrifice his life and kaladua to cause a huge, destructive explosion of fire; so rare is their existence in that they are sometimes considered by the witches themselves to be mythical

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