Alben meng manyaman, boy!

March 4, 2007

Pictures paint thousands of words

Thus, I have included a captioned photograph section in my blog. I'll be changing the photo every week introducing a word that may expand one's Kapampangan vocabulary. If you want to visit the photo album, do visit the address located below the the photograph.

To make this entry more than a mere announcement, let me post this excerpt from the manifesto of the Foundation for Endangered Languages. Ngada:

There is agreement among linguists who have considered the situation that over half of the world's languages are moribund, i.e. not effectively being passed on to the next generation. We and our children, then, are living at the point in human history where, within perhaps two generations, most languages in the world will die out.

This mass extinction of languages may not appear immediately life-threatening. Some will feel that a reduction in numbers of languages will ease communication, and perhaps help build nations, even global solidarity. But it has been well pointed out that the success of humanity in colonizing the planet has been due to our ability to develop cultures suited for survival in a variety of environments. These cultures have everywhere been transmitted by languages, in oral traditions and latterly in written literatures. So when language transmission itself breaks down, especially before the advent of literacy in a culture, there is always a large loss of inherited knowledge.

Valued or not, that knowledge is lost, and humanity is the poorer. Along with it may go a large part of the pride and self-identity of the community of former speakers. And there is another kind of loss, of a different type of knowledge. As each language dies, science, in linguistics, anthropology, prehistory and psychology, loses one more precious source of data, one more of the diverse and unique ways that the human mind can express itself through a language's structure and vocabulary.

We cannot now assess the full effect of the massive simplification of the world's linguistic diversity now occurring. But language loss, when it occurs, is sheer loss, irreversible and not in itself creative. Speakers of an endangered language may well resist the extinction of their traditions, and of their linguistic identity. They have every right to do so. And we, as scientists, or concerned human beings, will applaud them in trying to preserve part of the diversity which is one of our greatest strengths and treasures.

Read the whole thing keni.


Anonymous said...
I thought you might be interested to see this. :D
A short film made by a Cebuano. He passed it as an entry for the reality show The Lot. :D Super good!

Kismet said...

It is nice to see a blog dedicated for Kapampangan. Keep it up Cabalen...